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Common Blue-eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium albidum

Common Blue-eyed Grass

General Information

Common Blue-eyed Grass is an easy-to-grow herbaceous perennial.

Common Blue-eyed Grass is typically found in mesic prairies, savannas, meadows in wooded areas, open woodlands, limestone glades, and grassy areas along railroads. Common Blue-eyed Grass is very adaptable but prefers loamy soil, moderate moisture and full sun.

Common Blue-eyed Grass has showy light blue flowers and blooms between May and June.

Common Blue-eyed Grass is not a grass but rather a member of the Iris family.

Plant Information

Plant Type:

Herbaceous perennial

Sun Preference:

Full Sun * Part Sun

Soil Moisture Preference:

Medium-Dry * Dry

Plant Height:

0.5 feet

Plant Width:

0.5 feet

Plant Spacing:

0.5 feet

Flower Color:


Flower timing:

May to June

Culture Information:

Common Blue-eyed Grass works best when not subject to competition from other taller broad-leaf plants. Potential uses include butterfly gardens, native gardens, and pollinator gardens.

When first planted, Common Blue-eyed Grass should be watered weekly for first few months, unless at least an inch of rain has been received in the last week to help it get established. After it becomes established, Common Blue-eyed Grass may benefit from watering during extended dry periods.

Common Blue-eyed Grass requires minimal maintenance. Preventing it from being smothered by taller vegetation is its primary need.


Pests & Disease:

Common Blue-eyed Grass has no serious insect problems.

Common Blue-eyed Grass has no serious disease problems.

Wildlife Use:

Pollinators: Nectar and pollen attract bees and flower flies to Common Blue-eyed Grass.

Birds: N/A.

Mammals: N/A.

Other: N/A.

Native to:

More Information:
NC State Plant Database:
Missouri Botanical Garden:
TN-KY Plant Atlas

Other Link:

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